About us

About Us

The Seymour Properties business had a humble start , with our first investment property being a 30 square meter bachelor flat purchased in 1992, the same year that the founders Russell and Zelda Seymour were married. It grew through a build to rent strategy and is one of the largest ratepayers in East London.

It has expanded down the coast to Port Elizebeth and Cape Town. Its commercial property tenants comprise family owned businesses as well as Nationals such as Mr Price, Clicks, Sheet Street and more. Its residential portfolio has expanded from middle income tenants to top earners and includes properties in upmarket Newlands and Cape Town's V&A Waterfront.

Recently, Russell and Zelda were joined by there children in the business. Luke Seymour, a Chartered Accountant, who looks after the financial pillar. Kelly Seymour, an attorney, who handles the marketing and legal portfolio.